
Listed bellow will be resources for your continued walk with Christ and deeper understanding of his word and how to have it manifest in your life

Online Bibles

Their is two major online and App based Bible offerings that are great to always have God’s word with you on your phone or computer.

en-7854c81f0931779f0b2dada729143979 offers both web based bibles and device based Bibles that can be used online or offline. Many language translations available. Devotionals study guides and social sharing all available.


Olive Tree Bible Software offers online reader, applications for computer, phone, and tablets. It can be used for both reading bibles but also cross references to resources and reading of all types of religious books.

Printed Lessons, Devotionals, and Books

life-spring-logoLifeSprings Resources is committed to providing innovative learning resources for the local church, and our products reflect our commitment to the development of exciting ways to experience Scriptural truth. The vision for practical Christian formation influences our approach to curriculum development.

Through our own creative efforts and strategic partnerships we offer the following resources:

  • Sunday school curriculum

  • Church supplies

  • Video-based small group resources

  • Inspirational books

  • Royal Rangers and Girls’ Ministries materials

Our imprints and trademarks include:

  1. One Accord

  2. LSR Publications

  3. LifeSprings

Faith Café


1382299469VideoPsalm enables evangelical churches to easily and freely project song lyrics and Bible verses on big screen.


Mission-ware plays on the words “missionary” and “software”: “I use VideoPsalm and pray for a missionary.”
Using VideoPsalm is therefore subject to a moral commitment to take a little more at heart the evangelical Christian mission.You can for example show it in one of the following ways:

  • Spend time praying for missionaries you know.
    While prayer is the simplest thing in the world, it is also the costliest; and while it is the easiest thing in the world, it is also the most difficult.
    (T. C. Horton)
  • Financially support an evangelical mission or Christian missionary.
    If you feel called to give money to VideoPsalm, we encourage you to rather help a missionary of your choice, like mentioned in the VideoPsalm terms of use.
  • Invite a missionary to host a meeting to present his work, mission, etc..
  • etc.. (pay attention to the Holy Spirit).

Himnario De Gloria y Triunfo


This is one of the most popular hymnals, used by million of believers because it contains traditional hymns as well as praise and worship songs.


IPHC Manual

IPHC Manual English Cover
English Manual
IPHC Manual Spanish Cover
Spanish Manual

The International Pentecostal Holiness Church Manual, 2017-2021, as adopted by the 28th General Conference.

In this book, for the first time, you have the Minutes which reflect the polity adopted by the General Conference as well as the revised 2017-2021 IPHC Manual.

In previous years these have been separate documents. We hope this will be a helpful resource as you reference the doctrine, history, and governance of the IPHC.


E-Book: We Prayerfully Value-Scripture e-book

The IPHC’s fifth Article of Faith is very clear regarding the Bible: “We believe in the verbal and plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, known as the Bible, composed of sixty-six books and divided into two departments, Old and New Testaments. We believe the Bible is the word of God, the full and complete revelation of the plan and history of redemption.”

We make this confession without apology. Such a confession is not anti-intellectual or anti-science. Rather, the Bible as the word of God opens our minds and spirits to the fullness of divine truth manifested in all the works of God.

It is for this reason that the IPHC’s first core value is “We prayerfully value Scripture.” We engage the word of God prayerfully because God Himself speaks to us through His Word. We engage the word of God prayerfully because the Holy Spirit, who inspired the writers of the Bible, speaks to our lives personally and collectively as we read and hear the Word. We engage the word of God prayerfully because faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). We engage the word of God prayerfully because the incarnate word of God, Jesus the Son of God, is revealed in the Bible.

The following collection of articles and essays was written over the course of the history of our movement. There are articles by some of our founding fathers. We have chosen to keep their expressions and writing styles. The more contemporary writers reflect the scholarship and spiritual vitality of men and women across the IPHC family.

E-Book: We Prayerfully Value-Scripture e-book